
All transactions are processed in INR. The final cost will include the cost of the product(s) plus the cost of shipping (for international orders). Shipping within India is free unless the customers requests express shipping which is chargeable. In case express shipping is required, please get in touch with us @[email protected] or +91 9560710607


All personal information, such as your name, address, credit card details and any other information you give to us is kept securely. Details are processed in accordance with local law and are not sold to third parties. You can read more about our privacy policy here.

Product Information

  • Prints :

    All measurements, where relevant, are included in product descriptions. Due to the handmade nature of products, they may vary within a commercial tolerance.

    The highest amount of care has been taken to ensure photography shows an accurate representation of the product you’re buying. Please bear in mind that screens do vary in colour, so your screen may not show a true representation of the product on sale. If in doubt, please get in touch with us before purchasing to discuss.

    If you’d like a larger or smaller print than listed please also get in touch and we can arrange a bespoke price for you.

  • Frames :

    All artworks are sold without frames unless specified otherwise. In case you would like suggestions on how to frame your artwork, please get in touch with us through the Contact section.


Mailing List

When making a purchase, you will be given the option to sign up to our mailing list. We intermittently send emails when there are new products or news to share, however at any time you can click the link to ‘unsubscribe’. Please kindly note that your email addresses and personal information are kept securely and not sold on to any third parties.


Designs, products and photography used on remain the property of Namrata Kumar and must not be used or replicated without prior written permission. All other content on this site is the property of this website, its affiliate or content suppliers and is protected by international trademark, copyright, authors’ rights, database rights and other laws.

Feedback, Complaints or Other Information

Should you have any feedback, complaints, or any questions please contact us through the form in Contact section. In the event of a complaint, we will do our best to respond to you, and resolve it at the earliest.